Institutional Membership

The American Historical Association provides indispensable resources and community-building opportunities for history departments and historical institutions across the United States and abroad. The AHA is committed to helping leaders navigate the challenges facing the discipline of history at colleges and universities, as well as in libraries, archives, and K-12 schools. Institutional membership provides critical support for these efforts.

To join, fill out this form or contact the AHA’s Membership Department at or call 202-544-2422.

How the AHA Supports History Departments and Institutions:

  • Providing critical data related to historians' work and study, including our yearly enrollments survey and jobs report
  • Opening lines of communication to fellow faculty, department chairs, or directors of graduate study to ask questions and share experiences on the AHA online forums
  • Demonstrating the importance of history education by providing resources that explain "why study history" in a manner that can attract today's students
  • Leading the discipline to provide better preparation for graduate students and early career historians to explore career options within and beyond the academy
  • Giving departments the opportunity to purchase memberships for their students at a discounted rate

Additional benefits of institutional membership include AHA publications, discounts on job ads, and more (see the lists below).

Directory of History Departments and Organizations listers, please go here to update your institutional listing. Starting in 2021, institutional members are listed in the AHA Directory Online for no additional charge; nonmembers pay $175.

For information on institutional subscriptions to the American Historical Review, please visit the subscriptions page.
