AHA Activities , Perspectives Daily

2024 AHA Research Grant Winners

Rebecca L. West | May 20, 2024

Each year, the American Historical Association awards research grants to support the study, exploration, and advancement of history in several subject areas. The AHA is pleased to announce 35 winners for the 2024 Albert J. Beveridge Grant, Michael Kraus Research Grant, Littleton-Griswold Grant, and Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grant, who will be conducting research over the course of the year. Congratulations to our winners!

Albert J. Beveridge Grant to support research in the Western hemisphere (United States, Canada, and Latin America)

  • Roraig Finney (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville), Strangers in Dixie’s Land: How the US South Confronted the Age of Mass Migration, 1850–1924
  • Irene Mora (Univ. of Michigan), City Mothers: Latina-Led Community Formations in Detroit, 1920–80
  • KC O’Hara (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Faunal Foundations: Entangled Human-Herd Relationships in the Colonial Andes, 1500–1700
  • Alberto Ortiz Díaz (Univ. of Texas at Arlington), Strata of Medicine: Health Practitioners and Movements in the Dominican Republic and Greater Caribbean
  • Rochelle Rojas (Kalamazoo Coll.), Healers, Sorceresses, and Community Agents: Indigenous and African Women in Early Modern Costa Rica
  • Rachel Sarcevic-Tesanovic (Northwestern Univ.), Intimate Economies: Free Women of African Descent and Making the Francophone Atlantic World, 1750–1850
  • Clifton E. Sorrell III (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Black Freedom and Sovereignty in the Early Caribbean Frontier: Black Geographies, Colonial Governance, and Empire in Spanish Jamaica, 1585–1690
  • Luah Tomas (York Univ.), Rosalina Coelho Lisboa: The Transnational History of a Right-Wing Feminist in the Americas, 1920–60
  • Micaela Wiehe (Penn State Univ.), Making Moves: Indigenous Mobility under Spanish Colonialism in New Spain, 1519–1750

Michael Kraus Research Grant to support research in American colonial history

  • Joseph Bienko (Penn State Univ.), Warfare and the Environment in the 17th-Century Atlantic World and Caribbean
  • Rowshan Chowdhury (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst), Passage to Mutiny: Figurative Indianness, “The Relief of Lucknow,” and 19th-Century Triangular Newspaper Network
  • Paul G. Feller-Simmons (Northwestern Univ. and Univ. of Illinois at Chicago), Villancicos from the Maya Highlands: 17th-Century Vernacular Sacred Music from the Huehuetenango Manuscript Collection
  • Benjamin Groth (Tulane Univ.), The Black Sacrament: How Baptism Created Race in New Orleans and the Atlantic World
  • Hannah Jo King (Univ. of Minnesota–Twin Cities), Our Ancestors Were Black Homesteaders: Cultural Ecologies, Racial Tensions, and Solidary Futures on Muscogee Nation Lands, 1827–1919
  • Nicole Musson (Univ. of Dundee), Reports from the West: The North American Backcountry in Print, 1745–75

Littleton-Griswold Research Grant to support research in US legal history and in the general field of law and society

  • Annie Anderson (Rutgers Univ., Newark), Carceral Politics in the Quaker City: Race, Sex, and Surveillance in Progressive-Era Philadelphia
  • John K. Bardes (Louisiana State Univ.), Radical River: A Story of Slavery, Rebellion, and Police Power in the Mississippi Steamboat World
  • Christopher J. McNulty (Northeastern Univ.), Policing the Special Relationship: American Soldiers, British Civilians, and the Law, 1942–45
  • Ben Roy (Univ. of Georgia), Slaves, Aliens, and Uncivilized Enemies: The British Empire, Confederate Georgia, and Resident Alien Conscription during the Civil War
  • Kimberly G. White (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Liminal Migrants: Undocumented West Indians’ Quests for Autonomy in Mid- to Late 20th-Century New York City
  • Dennis J. Wieboldt III (Univ. of Notre Dame), “A Radical Deviation from the Proper and Expected Course of American Law”: William Bentley Ball and the Transformation of Conservative Constitutionalism

Bernadotte Schmitt Grant to support research in the history of Europe, Asia, and Africa

  • Nancy A. Andoh (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Poisoned Arrows: Frafra Indigenous Warfare Tactics and Anti-Colonial Insurgency Campaign against British Imperialism in 19th-Century Gold Coast
  • Julia Porter Burke (Columbia Univ.), Irregularities of the System: Abortion in 19th-Century Britain
  • Xuexin Cai (Columbia Univ.), Between Wasteland and Wilderness: Rubber, Nature, and the Making of Tropical China, 1945–98
  • Celine Camps (Columbia Univ.), Reassembling Histories: Screws, Goldsmithing, and the Making of Objects in Early Modern Nuremberg
  • Olivia Cocking (Emory Univ.), Droits assurés, droits bafoués: Race, Nationality, and the Right to Living Well in France after Empire
  • Ezra Gerard (Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison), The Origins of Desire: Childhood and the Birth of Modern Queer Identity in German Sexology, 1860–1914
  • Matthew Gin (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte), Paper Monuments: Making Ephemeral Festival Architecture in Enlightenment France
  • Elizabeth Howell (Northwestern Univ.), Muslims in Austria and Germany: Religion and Migration, 1945–2001
  • Tanvi Kapoor (New York Univ.), The Test of Waiting: Patience, Piety, and Power in Zanzibar, 1920 to Present
  • Xuening Kong (Purdue Univ.), Identity Formation in Displacement: Chinese Migrants on the US-Mexico Border, 1899–1945
  • Marie Robin (Columbia Univ.), Between Regulation and Violence: Sex Overseas in the French Army and Decolonization in Vietnam and Algeria, c. 1940–60s
  • Maggie Lorraine Sager (New York Univ.), Love between Women in Islamic Law: Commentary, Continuity, and Change
  • Haley Schroer (Texas Lutheran Univ.), Sartorial Subversions: Appearance, Identity, and Sumptuary Legislation in the Spanish Empire
  • Darren Wan (Cornell Univ.), Doubtful Claims, Dubious Loyalties: Citizenship, Anticommunism, and the Decolonization of British Southeast Asia

Rebecca L. West is the operations and communications assistant at the AHA.

Tags: AHA Activities Perspectives Daily Research

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