The Charleston Convention and Its Consequences

Daily South Carolinian, May 6, 1860

The split in the Charleston Convention has resulted, as our readers already know, in the division of the old time-honored Democratic party. Sprung from the State Rights school of Mr. Jefferson, it is the only national party that has ever dared to meet at all the consolidation party of the Union. The overthrow of a national bank, a disconnection of the Government with grand schemes of internal improvements, a reduction of the protective tariff system, the expansion of our territorial limits, and the annexation of both slaveholding and nonslaveholding communities to the confederacy. Its progress has recently received a shock from which it may never recover; but if it does, we hope it will be under such auspices that it will again rise to power with a banner of principles floating proudly above it. Eight of the Southern States have now raised the standard around which all who desire its regeneracy upon principle, should now rally. They call not upon the Southern States alone, but upon all who recognize the equal rights of all the States in the common Territories of the Union. Their shibboleth is "equal rights," and with this battle cry, they intend to go forth to battle in every State of the Union. They go forth with an appeal not to a section, but to the entire Union. Those who imagine they see in it, either with fear or favor, a foreshadow, or rather a design, of disunion, are mistaken. They might, with as much propriety, call the Constitution which binds the States together an instrument of disunion. The Richmond Convention will meet one week in advance of the Baltimore Convention. The majority platform, or one similar to it, will be presented, and candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency put upon it. Between this and the time of its meeting, the Chicago Convention and the Baltimore Union Convention will each have entered the contest, with their respective principles announced and their candidates proclaimed. The Richmond Convention will thus have the benefit of their action. The delegates from the Southern States that withdrew have referred their action back to their respective constituencies. They have done that which exceeded the object of their appointment, and they will appeal to those who appointed them to give them the sanction of their approval through another State Convention. By a notice from the Chairman of the Democratic Central Committee of the State, it will be seen that a meeting of the Committee has been called. This Committee will then determine upon the time of the Convention, and issue a call for District and Parish meetings for appointing delegates to another State Democratic Convention. That it will be warmly seconded by all who participated in and favored the State Democratic Convention of April, we have no doubt. We are also satisfied that there will be many to join in now who did not disapprove of the Convention policy in itself, but were deterred from participating in it by the many unfounded and unjust rumors raised and circulated by some who opposed the April movement. The propriety of the policy has been vindicated. More than once during the course of the late National Convention, the vote of South Carolina turned the scales. But for the vote of our committeeman, Col. Preston, who labored for days with the other members of the Committee on Platform, the Cincinnati Platform would not have been voted down, as the majority against it was only one. The Richmond Convention meets to vindicate a principle in which every lover of the Constitution is deeply interested. It should be sustained with warmth and zeal. Let the people of the States whose delegates withdrew, second their action with earnestness, and not only will North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri, but California, Oregon, Pennsylvania, New York, and some of the Northwestern States, march into line and unite their columns at Richmond with those of the Constitutional Democracy of the States that have locked shields in this contest for the equal Territorial rights of every section of the Union.